Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Attention: This will be our last Blog post! As our agency continues to transition, we will be switching to other forms of communication and will no longer utilize this Blog. Click here to visit our webpage to receive updates and news by subscribing to our Newsletter.

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of September:

One Year:
Danielle West and John-Michael

Four Years:
Ashley Coleman and Lacey
Scott Kinter and Ivan
Monica Severson and Amity

Five Years:
Amie Steffeneicher and Haley 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

July Matches and August Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in July:

Sarah Hannes and Za'mauri
Nathan Johnston and Kurt
Dennis McNamara and Dakota

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of August:

One Year:
Emily Kachulis and Ayreka

Two Years:
Matt Kiser and Jared

Three Years:
Michael Petersen and Logan

Six Years:
Pam Taylor and DaQuevian

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

June Matches and July Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in June:

Mija Bean and Helenjean
Maria Biddick and Samantha
Taylor Bovenmyer and Sadie
Emily Buckholtz and Lauryn
Katie Callahan and Nevaeh
Becki Davis and Brianna
Tracy Hemann and John
Josh Houser and Justin
Shawn Leavens and Tayvon
Cameron Stewart and Damir
Kyle Verner and Damarion

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of July:

One Year:
Melissa Pakala and MaKaylee
Scott Parsons and Evin

Two Years:
Trent Duniven and Josh
Mark Graf and Antwan
Erica Jacobsen and Kalena

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July Match Spotlight: Any'Jah and Elena

Any’Jah met her Big Sister, Elena in October, 2014. Although this is a fairly new match, they are already on their way toward a lasting friendship.  Big Sister, Elena was first introduced to Big Brothers Big Sisters through extended family members and friends who were volunteering their time as Bigs in Minnesota.

 After beginning her college experience at UNI, Elena decided she too wanted to give of her time and serve as a positive influence to a child after seeing the impact her family had on their Littles.

Little Sister, Any’Jah enrolled and was eager to receive a Big Sister to provide more interaction and activity outside of her family.  Any’Jah’s mother is an active parent providing for the family and was seeking a mentor to provide additional support for her daughter.  Any’Jah’s mother was interested in pairing Any’Jah with a mentor who would encourage her daughter and help her become more independent.

Any’Jah and Elena met and the activity hasn’t stopped since.  They both enjoy doing a variety of activities together on their outings from playing sports, visiting UNI, going to performances and eating at one of Any’Jah’s favorite restaurants, IHOP.  Elena and Any’Jah brought in the New Year by making a resolution together to incorporate reading into their outings and started their journey of reading at least one book during every outing together.

Any’Jah’s mother is pleased with the friendship thus far and tells agency staff that Any’Jah adores Elena and is always excited for their next adventure.  Big Brothers Big Sisters is sure this is one adventure that will continue for months to come!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

May Matches and June Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in May:

William Burt and Ka'marious

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of June:

Three Years:
McKenzie Bruch and Haylee
Dana McDougall and De'Vontay

Four Years:
Jonathan Wangler and Kelondis

Five Years:
Dave Kane and Elliott

Six Years:
Christy & Dietrich Tice and Joseph

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

June Match Spotlight: Quinton and Steve

Big Brother, Steve Schmitt and Little Brother, Quinton have been matched for over three years in the School Based program. Steve originally got involved with BBBS in the 70s and has had several Littles over the years. When Steve’s match with Quinton first started, Quinton was in third grade at Lincoln Elementary. Quinton was enrolled in the program to aid with his frustration and anger issues.

Over the years, Steve has helped Quinton with these issues by providing him with techniques to use when he gets upset. During their time at Lincoln, Quinton spent time showing Steve how to do origami and make duct tape flower pens. The match also enjoyed playing games together.

This school year Quinton began middle school at George Washington Carver Academy which opened up new opportunities to the match. During their first visit in the fall, the match took a tour of Quinton’s new school. This exploration led the match to find the school’s greenhouse and Quinton was very intrigued by it. The match ended up helping the teacher with tasks in the greenhouse nearly every week. Each week the match was given jobs to do (spraying, measuring, potting, etc.) and worked for the entire hour together. The school really appreciated the help and Quinton really took a strong interest in it. The match rarely missed a week of meeting this school year due to Steve’s dedication to the program and Quinton’s commitment to school.

Although Steve admits that gardening is not his strong suit, he enjoys doing whatever is of interest to Quinton. Steve says he has learned a lot from Quinton over the course of their match. In a note to Steve earlier this year for National Mentoring month, Quinton wrote: "thank you for getting me through some struggles and giving me laughter and joy. I appreciate what you have done for me."

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It's Time For You To Soar!

We would like to congratulate the following Little Brothers and Little Sisters who graduated high school this year!  We are so proud of all of you and wish you the best of luck in your future ahead!

We would also like to take special time out to thank the Big Brothers and Big Sisters who stood by their Littles along the way.  You have all been a great inspiration to your Littles and we have enjoyed being a part of your journey.

Little Sister:    Adrianna
Big Sister:      Maggie Burger
Match Date:    March 2006
Adrianna plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa in the fall to pursue a degree in Interior Design.

Little Brother:  DeAngelo
Big Brother:    Jim Brown
Match Date:    July 2009
DeAngelo plans to pursue his career options in the Cedar Valley.

Little Sister:  Nashalet
Big Sister:    Ellen Vanderloo
Match Date:  November 2007
Nashalet plans to pursue a degree in Culinary Arts.

Little Brother:  Craig
Big Sister:       Amy Hunzelman
Match Date:     September 2005
Craig plans to pursue a degree in Recording Engineering to further his music career.

Little Brother:  Malik
Big Brother:    Dave Buck
Match Date:    December 2006
Malik is interested in studying law and continuing his passion for boxing.

Little Sister:   Tru
Big Sister:   Sherry Etringer
Match Date:   December 2005
Tru plans to attend the University of Northern Iowa in the fall to pursue a degree in education.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Big Brothers Big Sisters Announces New Executive Director

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa has recently announced the hiring of Katie Orlando to serve as Executive Director of the nonprofit agency. Katie will oversee day-to-day operations of the organization with a focus on fund development and donor stewardship. She will also work toward carrying out the mission and Strategic Plan of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa.

Katie comes to Iowa with over 4 years of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) experience and 15 years of nonprofit and higher education experience in the Northeast, recently serving as the Executive Director of BBBS of Greater Manchester (NH) and Vice President of Development of BBBS New Hampshire following a statewide BBBS agency merger.

Katie is looking forward to getting back to leading a local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency and making a difference in the lives of many youth. “I am honored to be selected to lead such a strong agency in a community that cares so much about its youth and their future.  I am excited to meet agency supporters and program participants so we can work together to make an even bigger impact in our community.”

This week Katie will be traveling to Philadelphia to attend the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America National Conference to accept a prestigious Quality Award.  This award is only given to select agencies nationwide who excel in the service they provide to their community as evidenced by the impact achieved in the youth they serve.  This will be Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa’s second consecutive year receiving this award, an extremely rare feat only achieved by a handful of other agencies nationwide.   In 2014, the average length of each Big/Little match relationship in Northeast Iowa was over 3 years and the quality of support professional BBBS staff gave to program participants was among the top in the country out of all other BBBS agencies.

Katie is a graduate of Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, PA with a degree in History, Political Science and Latin American Studies. Five generations ago her family originated from Iowa and Katie now resides in Waterloo.  Katie has also served as a Kiwanian for 12 years and recently joined the Kiwanis Club of Waterloo to carry on this tradition of giving back to her local community.

For more information or to get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa, call 319-235-9397 or visit www.iowabigs.org.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

March & April Matches and May Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in March & April:

Amy Backer and Arianna
Kyleigh Corcoran and Jovanti
Kendra Crawford and FaLeShia
Clayton Grandquist and Devan
Amy Hegstrom and Gabrielle
Jessica Hoag and Tyteria
Dixie & Dennis Kehoe and Devan
Elizabeth Martin and Adriana
Mark McColm and Joey
Aaron Schmadeke and Aiden
Kelly Steimel and Aurora
Sajra Vunic and Maleah
Amber Wood and Annie

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of May:

One Year:
Colby Burt and Keenan
Kailey Kaestner and Hailey
Angela Orr and Stephanie

Monday, May 4, 2015

April Match Spotlight: Quinton and Erin

Erin Bird and Quinton began their journey together in January of 2014.  Erin, a Pastor in the community, wanted to get involved in something that would allow him to give back.  With children of his own, he knew that a large impact can be made working with youth.  Once he found out that there was a need for male mentors in the community, he knew that was what he wanted to do.

Quinton was enrolled in the program due to the lack of positive male role models in his life and the need for a little extra help with his school work.  He lacked in self-confidence and was struggling with being independent and making his own decisions.

The two hit it off immediately, finding similarities that they had and playing games that they both enjoyed.  Most of their time was spent initially playing Mancala, Chutes and Ladders or Four in a Row.  As they played these games, they got to know each other better and laughter started to fill their time.

At the start of the next school year, Quinton’s teacher asked if Erin would help with his journaling assignments each week.  Erin feels that this task has opened Quinton up in so many areas and has really helped further their relationship.

“Without prompting, he’s shared about struggles, questions, hurts, and more. I’ve been able to be a listening ear, a consistent friend, and a mentor to guide him and encourage him through the good moments and heart-breaking moments. I can tell it means a lot to him that an adult thinks he’s cool, wants to spend time with him, and will enter his world for 30 minutes each week,” stated Erin.

If you ask Quinton what his thoughts are on having Erin as a Big Brother, it’s pretty simple.  His response, “Erin is PERFECT!”  Quinton thoroughly enjoys every moment that he is with his Big and looks forward to it every week.

Erin compares his time with Quinton to a bank account.  Investing 30 minutes each week isn’t a lot at one time but can make a huge difference as it adds up.  Erin encourages others to get involved in the program and make these small investments in the youth of our community.  “If a simple, average guy like me can do this, anyone with a positive attitude and a desire to help others can do this. It’s well worth the 30-minutes a week it costs me.  It is amazing what a smile, a game, and a half-hour can do in the life of a kid”.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tips for Tuesday: Adverse Childhood Experiences

Did you know that significant adversity in a child's life can lead to lifelong problems?  The Adverse Childhood Experience Study conducted by CDC, Emory and Kaiser Permanente illustrate the impact childhood adversity can have on adult well being.  In this study, it was discovered that any negative experiences such as abuse, neglect or exposure to other traumatic stressors can lead to higher risks of adult health problems, poor quality of life and early death.

For example, research shows that the risk factors increase with the number of adverse experiences during childhood.  The chart below depicts the percentage increase for an adult who experienced four or more adverse childhood experiences compared to those with zero negative experiences:

                                                                                      *Iowa Aces 360

So how does mentoring play a part in reducing the risk and creating protective factors for children?
Mentoring helps in a number of ways and can be vital in helping a child break the negative cycles and live a healthy and productive adult life.  Mentors provide social connections outside of the home and school and connect the child with the community around them. Mentors serve as a support system for children who may need extra guidance and encouragement navigating through young adulthood. Finally, mentors create a nurturing environment for the child to express himself freely, gain self-confidence and obtain the skills necessary to become successful adults.

To learn more about Adverse Childhood Experiences visit http://www.iowaaces360.org/.

To learn more about mentoring with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa visit www.iowabigs.org or call 319-235-9397.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

March Matches and April Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in March:

April Hegstrom and Gabrielle

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of April:

Two Years:
Amanda Stark and David
Cassie Upshaw and Maria

Four Years:
Katie Klein and BreAnna

Five Years:
Bob Hoffman and McKenna

Seven Years:
Howard Craven and Marquese

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Here are a few tips on how to respond if your Little or any child reports any abuse or harm they may be subject to:

  • First, believe the child and make sure the child knows it.

  • Thank the child for telling you and praise the child's courage.  Tell the child how brave he or she is for telling you.

  • Tell the child that he or she is not at fault for what happened or may be happening.

  • Encourage the child to talk but don't ask leading questions about the details as this may contaminate the child's memory of events.  Remember, who-what-where.

  • Assure the child that it's your job to be sure he or she is kept safe and you'll do everything you can to make sure that happens.

  • Seek out help from a professional, contact your Match Coordinator if this regards your Little or contact the authorities.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring is in the air (at least we hope) so it's time to get outside and get active with your Little. To help you along, we've added a list of spring & summer activities for you to enjoy!

1. Walk the trails
2. Get an ice cream cone
3. Wash your car
4. Plant a garden or flowers
5. Volunteer at your community garden in Waterloo or Waverly
6. Go to city parades, concerts, and other events
7. Watch a movie outdoors during Cedar Falls' "Movies Under the Moon"
8. Make bubbles
9. Fly a kite
10. Go fishing
11. Rollerblade
12. Check out all the different parks
13. Have a picnic
14. Attend your Little's baseball, softball or other summer games
15. Visit the library on a rainy day
16. Explore the nature trails at Hartman Reserve
17. Visit the Arboretum
18. Visit a Farmer's Market and introduce new fruits and vegetables to your Little
19. Play catch
20. Make your own smoothies or popsicles
21. Read under a tree
22. Get creative and paint rocks, draw with sidewalk chalk or visit Pursuing Picasso
and paint pottery (remember to use your Big Card for a discount)
23. Build a birdhouse, Lego creations, boats to race, sand castles and forts
24. Volunteer
25. Visit the museums
26. Jump rope
27. Have a lemonade stand
28. Roast hog dogs or marshmallows
29. Visit the Sunrise Petting Zoo in Waterloo
30. Go swimming
31. Feed the birds and ducks at a pond or lake
32. Look at the clouds and pick out different shapes
33. Go to a Buck's baseball game
34. Paint your nails
35. Hula hoop
36. Catch butterflies and insects
37. Go to a fireworks show
38. Throw a Frisbee
39. Hopscotch
40. Visit the local Farmers-Markets
41. Visit the Resource Room at Big Brothers Big Sisters and check out the following items to use:
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, footballs, kickballs, baseballs
  • Wiffle bat and ball
  • Tennis rackets and tennis balls
  • Ladder Golf
  • Frisbees
  • Board games
  • Paint & craft materials
  • Hula hoops

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March Match Spotlight: Katie and Kirsten

Katie and Kirsten recently reached their two year anniversary of being matched in the School Based Program and have a strong friendship to show for it.  When Kirsten enrolled in Big Brothers Big Sisters she had previously served as a mentor in High School and really enjoyed her experience. Kirsten saw the positive impact she was able to make and wanted to do it again.

Katie is currently in second grade and attends Orchard Hill Elementary.  Katie is an only child and before being matched was struggling to have positive interactions with her peers at school.  When Katie was asked during her initial interview what she would like to learn from having a Big Sister, she responded that she would like to learn how to be a friend.  Kirsten, being an only child herself turned out to be the perfect fit.

Two years later the friendship between Katie and Kirsten is undeniable.  Kirsten visits with Katie at school consistently every week.  During their visits Katie and Kirsten spend time reading, coloring, talking and working on Katie’s school work.  Katie is also an English Language Learning student and having conversations with Kirsten has created a great opportunity for her to practice during their visits.  Katie has also tried teaching Kirsten words in her native language of Vietnamese, which has been a fun and educational experience for the match.

Recently Katie was asked how she feels when she is with Kirsten.  Katie responded that she feels excited, happy and glad whenever she is with Kirsten.  Katie gets sad when Kirsten leaves and she wishes they could spend more time together.  Although, Katie and Kirsten don’t visit each other over the summer months, they always do a fantastic job at keeping in contact.  Whether its writing letters or e-mailing back and forth, the match makes sure their friendship is as strong as ever for the start of the school year.  This match has been a great example of growth, commitment and friendship.
We are excited to see what’s in the future for this match!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February Matches and March Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in February:

Richard Heveron and TaQuan
Jocelyn Jenks and Kiara
Andrea Leisinger and Dantella
Jennifer Lux and Adrianna
Haley Main and Ryan
Brianna Slycord and Connor
Mark Speckerman and Matthew
Michelle White and Danielle

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of March:

One Year:
Jordan Baker and Travez
Sarah Mallen and Bryndle
Dan McKenzie and Camden
Abby Souhrada and Nicole

Two Years:
Elias Escobedo and William
Bill Henninger and Lincoln
Denise Paul and Isabella
Kirsten Olson and Katie
Brittany Schmitt and Mackenzie
Eddie Wichman and Jackson

Three Years:
Lara Guay and Tiffany
Danielle Wagner and Rosalyn
Cory Young and Sabastian

Four Years:
Jaclyne Heller and Santana

Five Years:
Shalee Boyles and Syleena

Seven Years:
Linda Miller and Brittney

Eight Years
Donna Brown and Havelyn

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

January Matches and February Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in January:

Audrey Cooper and Jared
Kyleigh Corcoran and Tatyana
Blake Ells and Delaney
Genna Flaherty and Erin
Kateyln & Ryan Kleitsch and Peyton
Abigail McDowell and Keeasia
Katie Polit and Kendra

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of February:

One Year:
Allison Bogdan and Alana
Danielle DeLange and TeAsia
Stephanie Hurlburt and Jade

Two Years:
Thom Boerigter and Max
Emily Borcherding and Kaitlyn
Edward DePaepe and Keenan
Naila Graper and Kayleigh
Reed Mick and Noah

Three Years:
Pam Novotny and Sofia
Ellie Wymore and Katelyn

Four Years:
Dan McKenzie and Darin

Five Years:
Mary Hatala and Kieran

Six Years:
Whitney Joachim and Raelynn

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Winter Party Pics!

We would like to thank all of the matches that joined us at Hartman Reserve in January for our winter party.  Unfortunately, due to the lack of snow, we were unable to snowshoe as planned but everyone had a great time playing board games and keeping warm with hot chocolate!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Black Hawk County Community Based Big of the Year:

Emily Borcherding

Emily is no stranger to Big Brothers Big Sisters.  Her first Big Brothers Big Sisters experience began in 2004 when she was paired with her first Little.  Over time, the match grew, her Little went on to attend college, joined the Army, and Emily pursued her Master's degree.  After completing her degree, Emily contacted Big Brothers Big Sisters with interest in serving as a mentor to another child.

In 2013, Emily and Kaitlyn were matched and began their journey together.  Kaitlyn's father was searching for another adult to provide guidance and companionship.  Emily has gone above and beyond her mentoring role by supporting Kaitlyn's interest.  Emily attends Kaitlyn's concerts and sporting events and has introduced her to new experiences such as taking Kaityln to her first UNI Panthers game.  What was once a new experience, has now become one of Kaitlyn and Emily's favorite things to do together.  Emily and Kaitlyn can be found participating in community events as well as frequent attendees at the Big Brothers Big Sisters match activities.

Emily's commitment doesn't stop at being a Big, she continues to serve as a strong advocate of the Big Brothers Big Sisters mission.  She encourages others to support Big Brothers Big Sisters by volunteering as a mentor or participating in agency fundraisers.

Emily truly makes a difference in her Little's life and has helped the agency bring about great change in the community.

Congratulations Emily!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bremer County Community Based Big of the Year:

Brittany Schmitt

Consistent and reliable are two words that perfectly describe Brittany Schmitt, Bremer County’s Community Based Big of the Year.  After being matched with her Little Sister, Mackenzie, in March of 2013 she has consistently spent time with her – very rarely going a week or two without a visit.

Mackenzie really enjoys the time that she gets to spend with Brittany and was happy to hear that she received the Big of the Year nomination.  “She deserves it because we have a lot of fun together,” said Mackenzie about the award.  The match enjoys spending time together doing a wide variety of activities and attending Big Brothers Big Sisters match events. Mackenzie’s mother is very happy to have her involved in the program and feels that Brittany is a great Big Sister.

“I have learned a lot from Mackenzie and have enjoyed my time with her so far.  I hope to continue to grow our relationship and mentor her in a positive way,” states Brittany in regards to her involvement in the program thus far.

Congratulations on a great achievement! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Black Hawk County School Based Big of the Year:

Jim Grandon

You may recall the November Match Spotlight story featuring Big Brother, Jim and Little Brother, Damarius.  After reading this match story, I'm sure it is no surprise why we would like to honor Jim as the 2014 Black Hawk County School Based Big of the Year!  Read his match story below and help us congratulate Jim for his many years of dedication and profound service to his Little Brother, Damarius...

Jim and Damarius first met in September 2008 when Damarius was in 4th grade at Dr. Walter Cunningham School for Excellence.  Jim, being a retired community member, and having a granddaughter as a teacher at Cunningham, thought volunteering his time with Big Brothers Big Sisters would be put to good use in an effort to help a child succeed.

Damarius and Jim were originally paired in the School Based program and would meet at Damarius’ school every week.  Together, they would play board games, go to the computer lab, read together and work on math.  Damarius especially enjoyed the times Jim would bring him McDonald’s!

Fast forward to May 2012, when Jim and Damarius decided to expand their friendship in order to continue seeing each other during the summer break.  Jim approached Big Brothers Big Sisters with the idea of meeting during the school breaks after he received a thank you note from Damarius.  In the note, Damarius mentioned how he didn't like when summer comes around because he likes seeing Jim every week.  Big Brothers Big Sisters made the arrangements with Jim, Damarius and Damarius’ mother to give this match the opportunity to see each other outside of school by transferring the match from School Based to School Based Plus.

Fast forward again to present day.  Jim and Damarius are still chugging along meeting every week in school, as well as frequent visits outside of school.  They continue to focus on Damarius’ homework and education during their visits, but also enjoy grabbing a hamburger together, working on household projects and attending UNI games.  Jim can be found in the bleachers cheering Damarius on at his own athletic events.

Damarius, now a sophomore in high school, values his time with Jim a great deal.  He appreciates the support and guidance he receives from his Big Brother, especially relating to his education.  Jim has taught Damarius several life lessons along the way and continue to fuel Damarius’ interest of cooking by teaching him new recipes and giving him the opportunity to cook during their time together.

Reflecting back on the last six years with Jim, Damarius says the following, “The last few years have been great.  It has really changed my life because right now I wouldn't be doing so good.  I used to always be angry all the time, but then I started smiling more and being happy.  Now I’m happy all the time.”  Damarius looks forward to his future ahead and tells Big Brothers Big Sisters his future will be one that steers away from violence, drugs and other negative factors.  Damarius believes that with his Big Brother by his side, anything is possible.

Congratulations Jim!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Bremer County School Based Big of the Year:


Amanda Stark began her time with Big Brothers Big Sisters in April of 2013.  She was matched with her Little Brother, David, in the School Based program.  David was an English Language Learning student and struggled with appropriate communication and positive social interactions.

Amanda was very patient, allowing David time to open up and get comfortable with spending time with a new person.  There were many communication barriers, as David continued to learn the English language and adapt to the school setting.  Amanda stayed consistent with her visits and learned to keep things simple in their time together.

In the almost two years of being matched, David’s teacher has seen drastic improvements in his social abilities and feels that Amanda has been a great asset in helping him succeed in this area. His teacher also noted the excitement that he has each day that Amanda comes to visit and knows that she does a lot of great activities with him.

David enjoys reading books to Amanda, drawing pictures and playing games when they can.  He looks forward to every visit and says that the only thing he would change is for Amanda to visit every day instead of just once a week!

Congratulations Amanda!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

December Matches and January Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in December:

Nicole Gaede and Jersey
Alex Merfeld and Azunie

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of January:

One Year:
Erin Bird and Quinton
Perla Quintanilla and Emily

Two Years:
Holli Rutherford and Taylor
Andrew Simpson and Keyshawn

Five Years: 
Barbara Lutz and Hannah
Kristin Vowell and Faith

Six Years:
Katie Bjerke and Jasmine