Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mentoring Works, Here's the Proof:

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America announced the Youth Outcomes Report during the second annual National Mentoring Summit last month.  The groundbreaking report shows statistically significant improvements nationwide for youth enrolled in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.  This evaluation targets three outcome areas: educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors and emotional competency.  Progress in the areas listed above have been linked to increased high school graduation, avoidance of juvenile delinquency and college or job readiness.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa has been conducting the Youth Outcomes Survey with children served locally since the report was released in 2009.  The proof is in the numbers that mentoring does work.  Both Community Based and School Based programs have demonstrated improvements in the following areas:
                  -  74%   are thinking about their future with plans to finish high 
                                 school and attend college
                  -  68%   have had a reduction in their unexcused absences
                  -  85%   have shown improvement in the areas of competence,
                                 confidence and levels of caring

 Big Brothers Big Sisters continues to operate under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life.  By partnering with community volunteers, parents, schools and local businesses, we are positively empowering our youth for a better tomorrow.

"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bremer County: Community Based Big of the Year 2012

Shari began her match with her Little Sister, Chelsey, July 7, 2008, the year of the floods in Waverly.  Chelsey and her family had just lost their home to the flood and it took some time to relocate Chelsey and her family.  Shari was very patient during the process.  Chelsey and Shari bonded immediately.  Shari and Chelsey attend almost every Big Brothers Big Sisters sponsored event and have raised money for Bowl For Kids’ Sake too!  Shari and Chelsey have gotten together every week for the last 3 ½ years.  They will generally go to Shari’s home and do crafts, play games, and make supper.   Chelsey knew that by having a Big Sister she always had someone to talk to when she was struggling with school and friends .   

When asked how Chelsey would describe Shari, Chelsey said that "Shari is a fun loving person that has nothing to say but good things." Chelsey’s Mom is thankful for such a wonderful match and feels like they will be together forever.  

Congratulations Shari, you are have stood by Chelsey's side through it all!  Being a positive and fun person to your Little Sister is what we strive for at Big Brothers Big Sisters.  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bremer County: School Based Big of the Year

Abby began her match with her Little Sister, Zoe, in March 25, 2009 at Irving Elementary in Waverly.  Abby and Zoe have a very strong connection, so strong that in January 2010 they transferred their match to the School Based Plus program.  Abby still meets with Zoe once a week at school and also once a month outside of school.   At school, Abby and Zoe work on schoolwork and enjoy talking and catching up with one another.  When seeing each other outside of school, Abby has taken Zoe to her parent’s home, made cookies, gone to movies, attended Big Brothers Big Sisters' events and just hung out.  Abby will be graduating from Wartburg College this May and is planning on keeping in touch with Zoe the old fashion way by writing letters.  Abby has seen Zoe’s self confidence grow these last three years.  When asked what is Zoe’s favorite part about being matched with Abby,  Zoe says that "Abby is funny, a good listener, outgoing and awesome!  Abby is excited about Zoe being in High School next year and still being able to be a part of her life.  

Congratulations Abby! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 2011 Recap

National Mentoring Month: Ice Skating
Exploration Series: KWWL Tour
End of School Year Party: Phelps Youth Pavilion

End of School Year Party: Phelps Youth Pavilion
End of School Year Party: Phelps Youth Pavilion
Waiting List Party: UNI WRC
Exploration Series: Camp Old Navy

Exploration Series: Camp Old Navy

Exploration Series: Camp Old Navy
Exploration Series: Big Dream Gathering

Exploration Series: Big Dream Gathering

Exploration Series: Big Dream Gathering

Exploration Series: Big Dream Gathering
Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Halloween Party
Bring Your Little to Work Day

Mayor Volunteer Award: Donna Brown
Holiday Party

Holiday Party
Holiday Party

Friday, January 13, 2012

Black Hawk: Community Based Big of the Year 2012

Maggie Burger began her match with her Little Sister Adriana, in March of 2006. The match began meeting at Irving Elementary school as part of the School Based program. Maggie and Adriana immediately created a bond, that has now lasted almost 6 years.  The course of their match has taken them from the School Based program to now, the Community Based program, where Maggie and Adriana spend time outside of school. Maggie has grown close to Adriana’s family as well, attending birthday parties and family gatherings.  Even though Adriana’s family moved to New Hartford last spring, this didn't stop the match between Maggie and Adriana.  Maggie continues to see Adriana several times per month.  

The match now spends time in Dike and New Hartford, where Maggie has helped Adriana explore her new community and try out new restaurants and stores in town. Maggie also brings Adriana back to her home in Waterloo as well, where Maggie has taught Adriana a lot about cooking and baking.  They regularly plan and cook meals together.

With Maggie's consistency and support, Adriana has flourished. She has become involved in music and chorus, is taking a Spanish class for the first time, and has socially adjusted well. Adriana thanks Maggie for being a part of her life, stating that meeting Maggie “has been the experience of a lifetime. I would say that she is my best friend and that I thank her for all of her work.” 

Adriana’s mom agrees: "Maggie goes above and beyond what she's supposed to do. She has stuck with Adriana for a lot of years even when we moved.  Adriana has really come out of her shell, mostly because of Maggie. Adriana thinks of Maggie as more of a friend than a Big Sister. She has done a really good job with Adriana and she really looks forward to spending time with Maggie. Adriana is getting involved with stuff, doing great at school, and making friends.”

Congratulations Maggie, you truly illustrate our mission of providing Adriana with a consistent, supportive, and encouraging adult. Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment to Adriana and Big Brothers Big Sisters!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Big Brothers Big Sisters in the News

During the month of January, we take time to celebrate National Mentoring Month.  Check out the articles and news coverage listed below to learn more about how local Bigs are changing how children grow up in our community.

       Click here to learn more about Michael and Julian's match

Click here to discover the impact mentoring has had on Little Brother, De'Angleo and Big Brother, Jim

Click here to meet Ben, an adult Little.  Ben experienced the power of mentoring as a child and is paying it forward now by being a Big Brother to Daniel.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Black Hawk: School Based Big of the Year 2012

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to honor Mary Nadeau as the School Based Big of the Year for Black Hawk County!

Mary began her match with her Little Brother, Jonathon in November of 2009 at Lincoln Elementary  in Waterloo.  The match has been going strong ever since!  Mary has consistently met with Jonathon every week during the school year.  Though Jonathon is shy, Mary has gained his friendship and trust over their years together.  She has fun during their weekly visits and accepts Jonathon for who he is.  This match can often be found laughing together, building projects, and playing games.  Mary is there for Jonathon to talk to if he wants to open up and helps him with his school work from time to time.

Former Family Support Worker, Joyce Kohn states, "Mary is really nice and takes a deep interest in Jonathon.  She is observant and has let me know when there are needs he may have.  I can really tell how much Jonathon enjoys his time with Mary.  They seem to have a real nice time together and a real connection."

Mary truly exemplifies what Big Brothers Big Sisters is all about - providing a positive, dependable, adult role model and friend to a child. 
Congratulations Mary - you deserve it!

Stay tuned as we honor the Community Based Big of the Year for Black Hawk County next week...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

December Matches and January Anniversaries

 Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in December:

Nanette Kane and Mo'randa
Loras Kurt and Matthew
Hannah Laucamp and Seara
Todd Kerr and Ben
Kelsie Friichtenicht and Diamond

We welcome each and every one of you and look forward to the year ahead!!


CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary in the month of January:

One Year
Michael Lujan and Julian
Tim Hurley and Damonte
Emily Bosman and Destiny
Eryn Utterback and LaVada
Danielle Firkins and Adriana
Dave Becker and Connor

Two Years
John Justice and Cory
Abby Johnson and Zoe
Samantha Banser and Caitlyn
Eddie Wichman and Mike
Alicia Moisa and Breann
Barbara Lutz and Hannah
Kristin Vowell and Faith
Melissa Mueller and Taylor

Three Years
Katie Bjerke and Jasmine

Five Years
Judi Faas and Madison

Six Years
Brad Hagen and Jibri

Still going strong after all these years - keep it up Bigs!!