has been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters since February of
2012. Cory was matched with his Little
Brother, Sabastian, in the School Based Program. This commitment required Cory
to visit with Sabastian one time a week throughout the school year.
their first few months of being matched, Cory quickly realized the areas that
Sabastian needed the most support in. He
took the initiative to develop a system to help Sabastian improve in these
areas. This included communication with
his teacher and mother to make sure all were on board. Sabastian started getting his homework done
in a timely manner, improved his grades, and his organization skills improved. This took a lot of time and
effort that was not required of the program and demonstrates Cory’s dedication to his
Little Brother.
After the 2012-2013 school year, Cory and Sabastian both decided that they wanted to expand their relationship. In June, their match moved to School-Based Plus, and they started visiting both in and outside of school.
enjoys the time that he gets to spend with Cory. Much of Cory and Sabastian’s time
together consists of attending athletic events, playing sports and taking part
in Big Brothers Big Sisters sponsored match activities.
Cory can also be found cheering Sabastian on at some of his own
basketball games. These are all things
that Sabastian would not be able to do if Cory was not in his life.
Scott Kinter has
‘Started Something BIG’ in more ways than one for Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Northeast Iowa. He is one individual
that has played an integral part in moving the agency forward and believes that
mentoring works. Through his dedication
as a Big Brother and his leadership as an active Board Member, Scott brings the
idea of volunteerism to a whole new level.
Scott has been matched
with his current Little Brother, Ivan, since September, 2011 but originally
became a Big Brother in 2009 and has been volunteering his time to young men
ever since. Scott’s Little Brother,
Ivan, was 12 years old when he got involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Ivan had many struggles he faced on a daily
basis and Ivan’s mother knew he desperately needed a
companion to uplift him and show him the special and unique young man he really
was inside. In 2011, Scott entered
Ivan’s life and he found the companion he was searching for. The friendship didn’t blossom instantly, but
Scott’s dedication to Ivan never faltered.
In fact, in the first year of their match together, Scott managed to
meet with Ivan nearly every week, only missing two weeks that year!
Now, Scott and Ivan
have developed a profound friendship that will last well into Ivan’s
future. During visits together, Scott
has made it his goal to teach Ivan ‘life lessons’ and better prepare him for
adulthood. Through these ‘life lessons,’
Ivan has developed an interest in wood working and fixing vehicles. Ivan now knows how to fix odds and ends
around his own home and how to make dinner for his family. Ivan is
sociable with others and his mother feels Scott came into Ivan’s life just in
time to help break down his inner obstacles and unveil his confidence and
bright smile; a smile that had once been hidden.
Being a Big Brother,
is just one of the many ways Scott serves his community. As an active Board of Directors member since
January, 2012, Scott has supported the agency’s mission and has become a
critical component to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa’s leadership
and service delivery. Currently, Scott
holds the position of Board Secretary and guides his fellow members by his
passion and unwavering commitment to drive the agency forward. Scott collaborates with his colleagues to
educate the community and promote the agency’s efforts in helping children
succeed. Scott has assisted in
coordinating the agency’s fundraisers by offering his expertise in the area of
marketing and public relations which has led to progressive results in the area
of fund development.
Scott Kinter
understands the importance of giving back and committing himself to serve his
community in a multitude of ways. In
fact, Big Brothers Big Sisters recognized Scott’s diligent efforts by awarding
him as the Big of the Year in 2012. Scott has become a
guiding force to a young man who was once struggling to find his way and
continues to hold such strong passion in moving the agency forward to serve
more children facing adversity in the Cedar Valley.