Monday, November 24, 2014

November Match Spotlight: Jim and Damarius

Jim and Damarius first met in September 2008 when Damarius was in 4th grade at Dr. Walter Cunningham School for Excellence.  Jim, being a retired community member, and having a granddaughter as a teacher at Cunningham, thought volunteering his time with Big Brothers Big Sisters would be put to good use in an effort to help a child succeed.

Damarius and Jim were originally paired in the School Based program and would meet at Damarius’ school every week.  Together, they would play board games, go to the computer lab, read together and work on math.  Damarius especially enjoyed the times Jim would bring him McDonald’s!

Fast forward to May 2012, when Jim and Damarius decided to expand their friendship in order to continue seeing each other during the summer break.  Jim approached Big Brothers Big Sisters with the idea of meeting during the school breaks after he received a thank you note from Damarius.  In the note, Damarius mentioned how he didn't like when summer comes around because he likes seeing Jim every week.  Big Brothers Big Sisters made the arrangements with Jim, Damarius and Damarius’ mother to give this match the opportunity to see each other outside of school by transferring the match from School Based to School Based Plus.

Fast forward again to present day.  Jim and Damarius are still chugging along meeting every week in school, as well as frequent visits outside of school.  They continue to focus on Damarius’ homework and education during their visits, but also enjoy grabbing a hamburger together, working on household projects and attending UNI games.  Jim can be found in the bleachers cheering Damarius on at his own athletic events.

Damarius, now a sophomore in high school, values his time with Jim a great deal.  He appreciates the support and guidance he receives from his Big Brother, especially relating to his education.  Jim has taught Damarius several life lessons along the way and continue to fuel Damarius’ interest of cooking by teaching him new recipes and giving him the opportunity to cook during their time together.

Reflecting back on the last six years with Jim, Damarius says the following, “The last few years have been great.  It has really changed my life because right now I wouldn't be doing so good.  I used to always be angry all the time, but then I started smiling more and being happy.  Now I’m happy all the time.”  Damarius looks forward to his future ahead and tells Big Brothers Big Sisters his future will be one that steers away from violence, drugs and other negative factors.  Damarius believes that with his Big Brother by his side, anything is possible.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

October Matches and November Anniversaries

Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to WELCOME the following new matches made in October:

Jessica Gist and Bella
Tim Halbur and Nathan
Amber Kopecky and Stephanie
Cara Luchtefeld and Riley
Elena Lushine and Any'Jah
Toby Maggert and Skylar
Amanda Osborn and Saniah
Leslie Pech and Annalisa
Jill Prentice and Mylee
Joshua Samec and Ethan
Darlene Schaaf and Isabella
Carrie Schultz and Cohel
John Theobald and Levi

CONGRATS to the following matches reaching their anniversary during the month of November:

One Year:
Nathan Buchheit and Kadin
Jordan Higgins and Maya
Angela Richards and Kaytlyn
Ali Sheahan and Syncere
Lauren Twait and Brooklyn
Kayla Weber and Za'ah

Two Years:
Kelly Brown and Colton
Margaret Delaney and Kamarion
Stephanie Ehlers and Serenity
Eric Johnson and Mondre
Emily Rogers and Jamilei
Marcie Sharp and Jazmyn
Lydia Sink and Madison

Three Years:
Caitlin Bielenberg and Kylee
Karelyn Pohl and Alyssa
Grace Rogers and Chalea
Tom Taiber and Caleb

Four Years:
Vern Byl and Michael

Seven Years:
Mary Ann Hinders and Veronica
Ruth Mick and Jayden
Ellen Vanderloo and Nashalet

Nine Years:
Erick Mandt and Tom

Ten Years:
Tim Hurley and Damonte

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween Party Pics!

This year's Halloween party was hosted by the UNI Multi-Cultural Teaching Alliance student organization.  Big thanks to all the group members for coordinating the party activities which included a trick-or-treat scavenger hunt, cookie decorating, mummy wrap, mystery bowls and pumpkin decorating!

The Bigs and Littles had a great time dressing up in costumes and interacting with one another!  Take a look at some of the great ghosts, witches and goblins in attendance...