Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Help Children Soar!

Another school year is almost underway and we need YOU!  Big Brothers Big Sisters would like to ask you to consider mentoring a child in either the Community Based or School Based program and help kids soar in our community!

For as little as one hour a week you can make a difference and start something BIG! In the School Based program, Bigs and Littles meet once a week during the school year at the child's school.  Typically, Bigs and Littles enjoy spending time together playing board games, hanging out in the gym or playground, reading a book, assisting with school work and share in conversation filled with laughter.

The Community Based program takes place outside of school hours and can be flexible with Bigs and Littles meeting during the evening and weekends.  Spend time with a child out in the community exploring city parks, events, museums, athletic events and so much more!  Bigs and Littles in this program meet at least twice a month ranging from 6-10 hours each month.

Both programs require an 18 month commitment to ensure a long lasting relationship.  For more information on how you can become a Big, please visit our website at or call 319-235-9397.

Join Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa today and change a child's life for the better, forever!

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